On the Hunt
Geocaching is a grassroots scavenger hunt game that is played around the world. Believe it or not, there are probably several caches hidden near your home. You can learn more and register for free at Geocaching.com.
Other geocachers have already hidden caches inside the park. A cache can be large (5 gallon tub), regular (shoe box size), small (soda can size), or micro (very small). Normally a cache will contain little toys and trinkets that you can trade. You can also sign the log book that is found with the cache You can log your finds online after a day of geocaching.
Caches can be anywhere. Many times they are in hollow trees or logs or under rocks, and sometimes they are hanging from trees or stuck under a bush. Micro caches only have a log page and you will need your own pen. Many micros are in old 35 mm film containers or magnetic key boxes.
Once you select a cache to find, the description will give you clues. You can also read what other people wrote. Use your GPS unit. Usually the cache is within 10 feet of where the GPS unit sends you. Good luck and have fun!
The Rules of Geocaching:
- If you take something from the cache, leave something of equal or greater value.
- Write about your find in the log book.